6.30pm every Friday during Lent
Stations of the Cross

6.30pm every Friday during Lent
CHRISTMAS 2024 SS Peter and Paul, Lincoln Confessions: Wednesday 18th December 6.30pm Friday 20th December 11.00am Saturday 21st December: 11.00am–12.00 Noon & 5.15pm – 5.45pm Christmas Mass Times: Tuesday 24th December: Christmas Eve 5.30pm: Carols 6.00pm: Vigil Mass 9.30pm: Carols
Inspired by the Bishop’s call to tackle Homelessness, we have decided to raise funds for the NOMAD Trust. Every year, on Christmas Eve we put up a large tree on the Altar and fill it with decorations. This year again
Please see copies of the latest and previous meeting minutes and, in addition, minutes from the Parish Open Meeting held last Sunday To access, click on the links below Open meeting 7th July 2024 minutes SS Peter & Paul –
What a wonderful time was had by all! A fantastic feast combining cuisines from around the world. Thank you so much to those who attended the event, and of course the tireless organisers – you know who you are, and
Come and enjoy the continuing celebrations for our Feast Day. Strawberry Tea – Great Menu, £6 a Ticket, 2-4pm on Tuesday 2nd July in the Parish Centre. Tickets on sale this weekend.
On Sunday 7th July the Parish Council will be hosting an Open Meeting in the Parish Centre after the 11am Mass.
Monday 25th March – No Mass Tuesday 26th March – 9.30am NB change of time Wednesday 27th March – No Mass due to Chrism Mass 6.30pm Confessions Holy Thursday 28th March 11.30am Funeral Service for Stephen Mellusco RIP Mass of
These are still available at the back of the Church along with ‘Day by Day’ booklets. Both are helpful prayer/reflection aids for the Lenten journey, enabling us to fully prepare ourselves to receive God’s blessings and celebrate the joy of
Dear all, I have been asked by a parishioner to put this on the website, I also found a link for the version sung by Hillsong click HERE (and just skip the ads!)- truly beautiful, please listen and join in!