Please find attached a printable PDF version of the next quarter’s challenge. If you have been doing the Challenge over the last year – thank you! If you haven’t tried before, check out the sheet and join in – there
LiveSimply Challenge

Please find attached a printable PDF version of the next quarter’s challenge. If you have been doing the Challenge over the last year – thank you! If you haven’t tried before, check out the sheet and join in – there
The issues we have had are now resolved so that telephone, internet and livestream are all up and running again now. Many thanks for your patience
The Diocesan Mass Booking system will shortly be closing, please note that no booking is required for any of our Masses from this weekend.
Thanks to all those who took part in and helped us to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee last weekend. Despite inclement weather, the tree planting and picnic managed to go ahead and were enjoyed by all.
Laudato Si’ Week is being celebrated during 22nd – 29th May. It reminds us of our duty towards and celebration of creation. To learn more and to get involved, check out the links. The Laudato Si’ Encyclical, which was published
Please see the attachment from the Bishop’s Office
A fantastic effort has already been made by Parishioners – these photos show the next step in getting supplies to where they are needed. 4 huge loads have already been sent for onward transmission but we are still accepting more!
Sincere thanks to all who supported last weekend’s retiring collection the total raised was £1,625.04, plus £142.38 was raised from the coffee mornings. A cheque will be sent to the Ukrainian Catholic Church here in England who are distributing funds
Here are some photos and extracts of a letter sent thanking our Parish for donations. It is good to know that we are able to help others by sharing things no longer in use by us. “Some altar linen are
From November to January, every gift given to Mary’s Meals will be doubled by a group of generous supporters, up to £1.6m. This means a gift of just £15.90 will feed not one, but two children a life-changing daily school