As well as businesses organisations within the Charity Sector have suffered financially over this past year due to COVID-19. We here at SSPP are no exception. As we approach a new financial year may I take this opportunity to thank all who have continued by various ways to contribute financially to the Parish. May I ask all parishioners who contribute via cash to seriously consider contributing via a Standing Order or Direct Debit. Likewise, may I ask all who pay Income Tax and are not part of the Gift Aid Scheme to similarly consider seriously joining the Scheme. If you pay tax and for example contribute £5 per week to the Parish with Gift Aid we can claim another £1.25 from HMRC, thus your contribution becomes £6.25 per week at no extra cost to yourself. Standing Order/Direct Debit and Gift Aid Forms are available from the Parish Office or can be downloaded and printed below. Thank you for your generosity and understanding as we face such challenges as the past year has brought us. Every good wish and blessing. Canon Geoffrey.
Preparing for the New Financial Year